Friday, December 17, 2010

November Minutes

Nashwaaksis Middle School PSSC
Meeting Minutes


Alan Atkins (principal)
Marcie Connors (vice-principal)
Pat Campbell
Mitch Claybourn
Tracey Grattan
Lynn McMinniman
Marg Milburn
Shauna Miller
Don Richardson
Heather Touchie-Blakely (teacher rep)

Francene Patterson

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.
Approval of Minutes

The minutes for the November 17 meeting were approved as circulated.
Call for Agenda Items/Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

Additional Items (added at meeting):
• NMS website (Shauna)
• Awards for crossing guards (Shauna)
• Evergreen proposals (Marg)

Mitch welcomed Marg Milburn as a new member of the NMS PSSC. He also welcomed Marcie Connors, NMS’s new vice-principal.
Friends of NMS Update
The Friends of Nashwaaksis Middle School will have their annual general meeting on Thursday, November 18 at 7 pm at NMS. Alan thanked Friends for their continuing support of activities at the school that improve education and student life.
D.E.C Report

It is expected that a representative from the District Education Committee will be named for the NMS catchment area in the near future.

Action Item: Alan to follow up with District office on DEC representative.
School Improvement Plan

Alan provided an update on activities under the School Improvement Plan, which focuses on two themes: Academic Improvement (literacy and numeracy) and Positive Learning Environment.

On the literacy objectives, he noted the efforts being made to build classroom libraries for all home rooms and contacts made to better integrate the Nashwaaksis Public Library into school activities.

Alan reported that middle schools across District 18 are examining the potential for new school timetables for the 2011-12 school year which will improve flexibility in class time, to permit greater focus on key subjects and give teachers more time for planning. The addition of LTT (Learning Together Time) three days each week has given teachers additional time for team planning.

Principal’s Report

Netbooks: The rollout of netbook computers for grade 6 students will now proceed. Meetings for parents in grade 6 and 7 will be held during the week of Nov. 22 to inform parents on the use of the netbooks and to seek parental permission for students to bring the computers home with them evening. Alan explained this is necessary because the netbooks must be recharged overnight and the school does not have the capability to charge all the netbooks at once. Lynn suggested that this issue be fully explained to parents who may otherwise ask their children to leave the netbooks at school and use their own home computers for homework.

Alan said the netbooks have been well received by 7 and 8 students who received them last month and he is hopeful for a successful extension of the program to the grade 6 classes.

School Review: The process for the triennial school review is now under way. A school internal committee has been meeting regularly and the external review group will visit the school during the week of November 22 to meet with administration, staff, students and PSSC members. A meeting of the external and internal committees will be held on December 13 to discuss the findings of the review committee. The review’s findings will be incorporated into the School Improvement Plan.

New Grade 7 Class: In order to accommodate an unanticipated increase in enrolment, a 5th core class for grade 7 has been created. Students have been allocated from the existing 4 classes and a teacher has been hired on a temporary basis. A permanent teacher hiring for this new class is expected in the coming weeks.

Recent Activities:

• Oct. 19-21: English book fair
• Oct. 18: UNICEF collection begins. Students raised nearly $5,000 for UN children’s charities.
• Oct. 21: visit by author Valerie Sherrard
• Oct. 22-25: NMS students participated in Tim Horton’s Camp in Tatamagouche, NS. Administration will review the camp experience to determine future participation by the school.
• Oct. 28: school dance (470 students attended)
• Nov. 2: Friends of NMS meeting
• Nov. 3: Take Your Kids to Work Day – a number of former NMS students, now in grade 9, returned to the school for this event.
• Nov. 10: Atlantic-Pacific Math Competition
• Nov. 10 & 12: Remembrance Day activities, including visit to CFB Gagetown Museum
• Nov. 17: Sugar Pie event to celebrate bilingualism and francophone culture at NMS
• Nov. 18: Friends of NMS annual general meeting.
• Nov. 22: 1st term report cards will be sent home
• Nov. 25-26: parent-teacher interviews

Action Item Follow-up

Action Item: Alan will check with District office regarding DEC representation on the NMS PSSC for the 2010/11 school year.

• Alan to follow up with District office for the December PSSC meeting.

Action Item: Alan and Mitch to develop criteria for selecting student representatives to PSSC.

• Alan and Mitch to meet on this and report back at the next meeting.

Action Item: Alan to check on status of spring 2010 school wellness survey results.

• Survey results have been received and will be distributed to PSSC members in advance of the December meeting.

Action Item: Alan to see to installation of locks in washroom cubicles throughout the school.

• Alan reported that this has been done.

Action Item: Mitch to bring back suggestions for key themes and activities to the November PSSC meeting for further discussion & decision.

• PSSC members discussed cyber-bullying, drug abuse and greater awareness of PSSC activities as potential projects for 2011. This will be discussed again at the December meeting.

Additional Items:

Shauna commented on recent additions and improvements to the content on the school website as a useful resource for parents and students. She also asked that information on the PSSC posted on the NMS website be updated.

Action Item: Alan will see that up-to-date information on PSSC membership and meetings is posted on the school website.

PSSC discussed ways to honour crossing guards who serve the Nashwaaksis area. Shauna noted that Safe Kids Canada sponsors a favourite crossing guard award and suggested that local staff be nominated. There was a further discussion of ways for the school to honour all the crossing guards serving area students. It was agreed that student involvement in this is very important.

Action Item: Mitch will follow up with City staff on crossing guards serving the NMS area. There will be a further discussion of this at the December PSSC meeting.

Marg noted that funding is available from various corporate and non-profit sources to upgrade school grounds. She suggested that the school seek “evergreen” funding for school improvements.

Action Item: Marg to provide more information on “Evergreen” funding at the next PSSC meeting.

Mitch noted that a report on the PSSC orientation session hosted by the District on October 21 at Bliss Carmen Middle School has been circulated to all PSSC members.

Next Meeting/Meeting Adjournment

Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 15 @ 7:00 pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm

Monday, May 3, 2010

March Meeting Minutes

Nashwaaksis Middle School
PSSC Meeting Minutes

Don Richardson Tracey Grattan Sherry Thomson Shauna Miller Andrew Rowe
Pat Campbell Alan Atkins John MacKenzie Mitch Claybourn

Tracy Allen Anne Small Heather Touchie-Blakely Carol Coleman (DEC)

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
Approval of Minutes

The minutes for the January 11 PSSC meeting were approved as amended. The minutes for the February 15 meeting were approved as presented.
Don identified two updates to the minutes from January. Tracy recirculated the minutes and they were approved via email by Alan and Mitch at the March meeting.
Business Arising from the Minutes
Grade 8 teacher Mike Smith is NMS’ nominee for the Premier’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. An application was filed with the Department of Education in late February.

Alan clarified that funding that PSSC has agreed to provide to support the continued use of the Synervoice messaging service will be provided for the 2010/11 budget year.

Work is progressing on the installation of concrete barriers along the school’s access. To date, 35 new barriers have been installed and 25 more will be put in place by the end of April.
Call for Agenda Items/Approval of Agenda

Additional Items (identified prior to the meeting):
• Report on school budget [ Alan]
• School Awards event [Alan]

Additional Items (added at meeting)
• n/a
Friends of NMS Update

Carry Forward – A Friends representative will be invited to provide a report at the April meeting.
D.E.C Report – Carol Coleman, D.E.C. Rep

Carry Forward – A DEC report will be provided at the next PSSC meeting.

School Improvement Plan Update & Overview – Alan Atkins

• The SIP committee held its first meetings this past week.
• Supply teachers have been engaged so that participating teachers can attend scheduled committee meetings during the school day.
• Teachers are currently reviewing the list of possible objectives to be included under the 2 main goals of the plan (academics and positive learning environment)
• School will be seeking 2 students to take part in review of the Plan. Students are generally chosen from the current grade 8 class, but consideration will be given to involving students from other grades.
• PSSC members will also be given an opportunity to provide input.
• A final draft of the SIP will come to PSSC members for approval at the PSSC’s May meeting.
• The three-year plan is reviewed on an annual basis and can be adjusted based on input from PSSC, parents and staff.
Action Items from Last Meeting
Action Item: Invitation to Fredericton police force to discuss meeting to provide information to parents on drug abuse in youth.

Result: Carry Forward – Mitch will seek to arrange this for April PSSC meeting.

Action Item: Alan to post invitation on school website to parents to see their children’s assessment results.

Result: Carry Forward – Assessment results have not been approved for release by the Department of Education. Invitation will be issued once release approval has been given.

Action Item: Alan to add to the SIP that NMS implement grade level school sports teams.

Result: This is being discussed by the school’s SIP development committee.

Action Item: Development of a school student survey.

Result: Carry Forward – Mitch and Alan to bring forward proposal to April PSSC meeting. PSSC members asked to provide suggestions for this via e-mail.

Action Item: Carol to determine if DEC supplementary funding can be repurposed. The PSSC will move ahead and use this money for our future drug session

Result: Carry Forward – Carol to report at future meeting.
Principal’s Report

School Activities:

• Well-attended meeting on French Second Language program held Feb. 12.
• NMS Grade 8 students visited the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly on Feb. 16, where they were introduced on the floor of the House.
• Local author Peter Clarke visited the school on Feb. 19.
• Teachers participated in Stepping Out training program on Feb. 21-22. This program encourages the integration of language arts skills into all aspects of the school curriculum.
• A student talent show was held on Feb. 24
• A Partners For Youth outing was held on Feb. 25.
• The Winter Carnival Day scheduled for Feb. 26 was cancelled due to weather.
• The first meeting of the SIP committee was held on March 8 with a full morning meeting held on March 11.

Principal’s Activities:

• Alan is participating in the school review at Keswick Ridge School. Principals are asked to participate in at least one review per year as an opportunity to learn from other schools’ experiences and integrate best practices.
• Alan will be attending a workshop on “21st Century Learning” being held in St. Andrews during the week of March 22. Encouraging signals are being received from the Department of Education regarding new directions in the use of technology in schools. As a leader in the early implementation of laptop computers in classrooms, Alan said NMS is facing significant challenges to replace its aging supply of classroom computers.

Disciplinary Issues:

• Alan reported on an incident at the February 25 NMS school dance which has caused staff to review current rules regarding cell phone use on school property. An incident arising from the inappropriate use of a cell phone by a student led to police being summoned and a student being suspended from school for disciplinary reasons.
• As a result of this incident, PSSC members agreed to support the principal’s decision to fully enforce school policy regarding cell phone use during school dances. In future, students will not be permitted to carry cell phones into a dance. Students found using a cell phone for calling, texting or photographic purposes will have their phones confiscated. They will be allowed to use them when the leave the dance to contact their parents.
• PSSC also agreed that the school ask the Fredericton Police Force to provide uniformed officers for security purposes at future dances. Mitch will check on prices for this service.
Action item: Mitch will check on prices for the Fredericton Police Force to provide uniformed officers for security purposes at future dances.
• Rules regarding appropriate dress by students and prohibition of non-NMS students will also be fully enforced at future dances.
• Action item: Alan will inform students and parents of the full enforcement of these school policies prior to the next school dance, to be held in April.
• Action item: Alan will provide PSSC members with a description of the threat assessment process at the committee’s next meeting.

Additional Items

School Budget: Alan reported that the school’s budget for fiscal 2009/10 is on target. The fiscal year ends on March 31.

2010/11 enrollment: Alan reported that, based on current projections, NMS will have one fewer grade 6 class next year than in the current year. This would result in the loss of 1 teaching position. This is the result of the decision to offer French Immersion at both northside middle school, which reduced the number of feeder schools providing students to NMS. Overall enrolment is currently expected to decline by 20 students next year, although the long-term outlook is for a return to growing enrolment in future years.

School Awards: Alan invited parents and PSSC members to attend the school awards event, to be held on June 24 & 25. Academic, social and sports awards will be presented to students.

LHHS Theatre: PSSC members agreed to support a letter being prepared by the Leo Hayes High School PSSC, calling the fulfillment of the commitment to construct a school theatre at LHHS.

Next Meeting/Meeting Adjournment

Next Meeting: April 12 @ 7:00pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm

February Meeting Minutes

Nashwaaksis Middle School
PSSC Meeting Minutes

Don Richardson Tracey Grattan Tracy Allen Carol Coleman (DEC) Andrew Rowe
Pat Campbell Alan Atkins John MacKenzie Mitch Claybourn Anne Small
Heather Touchie-Blakely
Sherry Thomson Shauna Miller

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm.
Approval of Minutes

Don identified two updates to the minutes from January. Tracy recirculated the minutes and they were approved via email by Alan and Mitch.
Call for Agenda Items/Approval of Agenda

Additional Items (identified prior to the meeting):
• Side Walk Barriers [ Alan]
• Policy 703 [Alan]
• Student Survey [Mitch]
• School Web Site [Mitch]
• PSSC Chairs Meeting [Mitch]

Additional Items (added at meeting)
• n/a
Friends of NMS Update – Alan
• Approximately 40 people voted
• New co-chairs are Janice MacFarlane, Cindy Chase, Mary Martin
D.E.C Report – Carol Coleman, D.E.C. Rep

PSSC Chair Meeting
• Well attended
• Discussion of whether the supplementary funding be discontinued due to limited funding and size of requests but the chairs felt that the application for funds was still valuable
o Carol suggested that they will probably have the same amount of money but try to cover one major project per year and then divvy up the remainder between other schools

Premier’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
• Carol encouraged us to submit a nomination for this award
• Members are to forward names to Mitch and Alan by Wednesday, February 17 so they can submit a nomination
School Improvement Plan Update & Overview – Alan Atkins

• A committee of 9 school staff members was finalized February 15
• Monday, March 8 will be the first meeting of the committee
• PSSC & students will be invited in after this meeting
• The final SIP will be no longer than 3 pages
• Alan will review the current SIP to see if there are items to carry over to the new plan
Principal’s Report

• Alan is requesting that the PSSC budget be used to cover the cost of synervoice
• This is very valuable, especially in terms of calling home regarding attendance
• The proposed school magnets are cost prohibitive
• Mitch asked the group if we support synervoice – all present agreed
Miscellaneous Items
• Hoping to replace the lights in the theater
• The school raised $4500 for ‘Help for Haiti’
• Discipline numbers are down significantly from this time last year. Alan feels this is directly related to positive things happening in the school
• Position for Grade 6 Math teacher has been filled
• Grade 7 classes going to the Legion
• January 26/27 – teachers attended ‘Stepping Out’, language arts program aimed at integrating LA into all subject areas, training 1/3 of the staff each time
• January 28 – school social, 150 in attendance
• February 1 – meeting with the City Police to work on development of a ‘Policemen’s Challenge’, looking at doing this in May
• Junior Achievement presentations
• Geography challenge
• Haiti talent show & other fundraisers
• Interim Reports went home on Friday, February 12
• Teacher’s Appreciation lunch last Friday put on by Friends of NMS
• Students are participating in a UNB Wellness survey

Computers in the class
• Alan expressed concern over the aging computers within the school
• He is encouraged by positive talks about the 21st century learner
• Anne expressed a desire to see a provincial-wide IT strategy
Action Item Follow-up

Action Item: Alan to arrange for communication home reminding folks about the designated sidewalk area.

Update: See side walk barriers discussion below.

Action Item: Mitch will contact the police to invite them to come to the next PSSC meeting to facilitate planning this event.

Update: Mitch indicated that Jan couldn’t make this meeting but hopes to make the meeting in March. Carry forward.

Action Item: Alan will speak to teachers regarding the proposal to share year plans with
parents and will bring back recommendations to the PSSC at the next meeting.

Update: Looking at rolling out the sharing of the year plans in September. Mitch also requested information on the sports schedule be sent home at the same time.

Action Item: Alan to post an invitation on the school website for parents to see their children’s assessment results.

Update: There is still an embargo on some of the results, so Alan can’t share these results at this point in time. Carry forward.

Side Walk Barriers

• The district had extra money and agreed to purchase the requested side walk barriers to line the school driveway
• 35 new barriers are already there and we are expecting 50 extra in April to extend the barriers from the street to the school
• Tracy Allen asked if we had ever heard anything back on our request to the city to investigate having a crossing guard at the bottom of the school driveway
• There has been no word so Anne will follow-up on this request with the city

Policy 703 – Positive Learning & Working Environment

• Available on the District website
• The school is required to produce another report related to this policy
• Anne expressed appreciation to Alan for attending a school basketball game
• Anne also asked Alan to pass on praise for Alex Yaychuk in his role as athletic director
• Mitch requested that Nasis implement Grade level teams instead of the mixed levels
• Anne requested that Nasis find more opportunities for students to participates in athletics
Student Survey

• Mitch would like us to implement a student survey to compliment our new SIP
• Mitch & Alan are going to work on developing this
School Web Site

• Nasis was granted DEC supplementary funding to redesign the school website
• Mitch reported that the district is going to be providing support for school websites in the coming school year
• All members present agreed that it doesn’t make sense for us to spend the time and money for the web design since we will be able to receive support from the district in the near future
• Carol will look into whether the DEC supplementary funding can be repurposed
PSSC Chairs Meeting

• 21st century learning discussed, student voice considered as part of this
• Recycling programs are inconsistent, some schools do, some schools don’t
• STEM expo coming up in March, Alan will speak to Science teachers to see if there is interest
• April 16/17 - Educating Today for Tomorrow
Agenda Building

• Tracey Grattan requested that Alan report on the school budget at a future PSSC meeting
Next Meeting/Meeting Adjournment

Next Meeting: March 15 @ 7:00pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April Meeting Date

Please be advised that our meeting date for April is the 13th, not the 6th as stated on the Blog.

Monday, March 15, 2010

PSSC Meeting Minutes

Nashwaaksis Middle School
PSSC Meeting Minutes

Pat Campbell
Alan Atkins
Tracy Allen
Carol Coleman (DEC)
Mitch Claybourn
Don Richardson
Tracey Grattan
Sherry Thomson
Shauna Miller
Andrew Rowe
Mary Rowe (FofNMS)
Heather Touchie-Blakely


Anne Small
John MacKenzie

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
Approval of Minutes

Motion to accept the minutes from December by Don, seconded by Sherry.

Call for Agenda Items/Approval of Agenda

Additional Items (identified prior to the meeting):
· Snow Plows/Removal [Mitch]
· Friends of NMS Amendments to Constitution Issues [Mitch]
· Teacher communication home regarding curriculum and how parents can support the learning outcomes at home [Sherry]

Additional Items (added at meeting)
· PSSC Communication [Andrew]
· Report on Achievement [Tracy]
Friends of NMS Update – Mary Rowe
5 nominations were received for the 3 positions of co-chairpersons
Elections will take place on January 13 & 14
The results of the election will be announced at the Annual General Meeting of Friends, which will be held on January 18th
Recent Accomplishments
13 volunteers assisted with supervision at the Christmas dance
Friends decorated the office for Christmas
Friends Constitution
Amendments to the Friends constitution have been proposed
Mitch had initially been concerned about how this was communicated but Mary offered clarification and explained that, although neither the constitution nor the amendments were circulated to all Friends members, there was an email sent out to the Friends’ email list which indicated that the amendments had been proposed and identified the website where more information could be obtained

On behalf of the PSSC, Sherry acknowledged the current executive of Friends for their contributions over the past two years.
D.E.C Report – Carol Coleman, D.E.C. Rep

The first meeting of the DEC for the new year will take place on Thursday, January 14
There will be a meeting of PSSC chairpersons on January 21@6:30pm
Carol mentioned that she is involved in meetings regarding the First Nations Enhancement Initiative, where programs are under development to specifically address needs of first nations students
Action Item Follow-up

Action Item: Alan to arrange for communication home reminding folks about the designated sidewalk area.

Update: Carry-forward. Alan asked for some clarification on what type of information the PSSC would like to have communicated and will take care of this in the near future.

Action Item: Alan to bring a sample of the misconducts.

Update: See ‘Behaviour Tracking’ below.

Action Item: Mitch will contact the police to invite them to come to the next PSSC meeting to facilitate planning this event.

Update: Mitch spoke to Jan Smith but she was unable to attend this meeting. She is very interested in assisting us and will either attend our next meeting or find another representative from the police department who can come speak with us.
Behaviour Tracking (Action Item Follow-up)

Alan handed out two behaviour tracking forms to the group. The yellow form is used by school teaching teams to track minor behaviour issues. In the situation where a misconduct is severe, or there are several less severe issues recorded by the team, the pink tracking form is used. This form is designed to collect data that can subsequently be entered into a software product for behavior tracking that is provided by the district.

Sherry asked which behaviours had the highest rate of occurrence. Alan indicated that bullying was by far the biggest issue and that this mostly takes place outside, on the school grounds.

Alan explained that when pink forms are submitted, parents of both the victim(s) and the perpetrator(s) are contacted. He also explained that at principals’ meetings, statistics generated from the data provided on these forms are review and that Nasis is currently down in incidents reported.

Shauna asked about what information is passed on to high schools as students move on to Grade 9. Alan explained that teachers send the high school individual reports on each Grade 8 student and staff from our school also participate in transition meetings with high school Methods & Resource/Guidance to share information about students that may need extra support upon entering high school. The actual discipline files are not passed on, but are kept here at the school and are available for high schools to refer to, if the need arises.
School Improvement Plan Update & Overview – Alan Atkins

The January 5 Professional Development session was used for school improvement planning. School staff were split into teams and were asked to identified what Nasis Middle is doing well and also come up with a wish list of what they would like to see. The next staff meeting, on January 13, will be used to identify a smaller working committee. Once this committee is established, the PSSC will also be given the opportunity to provide input.
Principal’s Report

Nasis has 9 basketball teams
Snow Plows/Removal

Alan will be speaking to those responsible for snow removal to ensure that they shovel out at the end of the driveway so kids can use the sidewalk beside the driveway. He also explained that we are in need of a path for kids to enter the school after getting off the school buses.
Teacher Communication Home Regarding Curriculum

Alan proposed to talk to teachers regarding sharing team ‘year plans’ with parents. Members agreed that this would be very beneficial and help parents better support the learning outcomes at home.

Action Item: Alan will speak to teachers regarding the proposal to share year plans with parents and will bring back recommendations to the PSSC at the next meeting.
Report on Achievement

Tracy expressed concerns about the numbers reported in the school’s Report on Achievement, which was sent home before Christmas. Although Nasis Middle students are doing well with reading, writing and Math scores suggest there are some issues to overcome.

Sherry asked what the school does with this information. Alan indicated that Nasis is implementing standardized Math and Language Arts testing at the school to help diagnose school-specific weakness and address them. He also mentioned that the Department of Education is currently in the process of changing the Math & Literacy (Writing & Reading) curriculums. In addition, the school has literacy and math mentors who are working directly with marginal students.

Carol mentioned that the DEC will be discussing assessments and what the district will be doing to address identified problems at upcoming meetings. She encouraged members to attend the meetings to hear these discussions.

Action Item: Alan to post an invitation on the school website for parents to see their children’s assessment results.
PSSC Communication

Andrew feels that we as a PSSC need to improve our communication to our school community. The PSSC website has incorrect information about our meeting dates and he suggests that we should be doing a better job at advertising our meetings, especially when we have special guests attending (e.g. Mike O’Brien, city councilor).

Members also identified issues with not receiving meeting minutes and agendas in a timely manner. Tracy suggested that we specify a timeline for each of these to be published, to help those responsible manage their time accordingly. It was agreed that meeting minutes should be circulated to members no later than two weeks after the meeting and that meeting agendas should be sent out at least one week before the meeting.

Members reviewed the published meeting dates and adjusted them to be more consistent, following the ‘1st Monday of the month’ rule, when feasible. Dates for the remaining PSSC meetings are as follows:
Monday, February 1, 2010 Monday, March 8, 2010 Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010 Monday, June 7, 2010

Don Richardson kindly offered to take minutes at the February 1 meeting.
Youth Blast
Mitch was promoting the city sponsored ‘Youth Blast’ events taking place at Nasis Middle on Saturdays between 8:00pm and 10:15pm
These are for middle & high school kids & the cost is $4
Kids spend 1 hour in the fieldhouse and 1 hour in the pool
H1N1 Clinic
Shauna acknowledged Nasis Middle for being very supportive and welcoming to public health staff when they were at the school offering H1N1 immunization
Next Meeting/Meeting Adjournment

Next Meeting: February 1 @ 7:00pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm

PSSC Meeting Minutes

Nashwaaksis Middle School
PSSC Meeting Minutes

Don Richardson
Tracey Grattan
Tracy Allen
Carol Coleman (DEC)
Andrew Rowe
Pat Campbell
Alan Atkins
John MacKenzie
Mitch Claybourn
Anne Small
Heather Touchie-Blakely


Sherry Thomson
Shauna Miller

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm.
Approval of Minutes

Don identified two updates to the minutes from January. Tracy recirculated the minutes and they were approved via email by Alan and Mitch.
Call for Agenda Items/Approval of Agenda

Additional Items (identified prior to the meeting):
· Side Walk Barriers [ Alan]
· Policy 703 [Alan]
· Student Survey [Mitch]
· School Web Site [Mitch]
· PSSC Chairs Meeting [Mitch]

Additional Items (added at meeting)
· n/a
Friends of NMS Update – Alan
Approximately 40 people voted
New co-chairs are Janice MacFarlane, Cindy Chase, Mary Martin
D.E.C Report – Carol Coleman, D.E.C. Rep

PSSC Chair Meeting
Well attended
Discussion of whether the supplementary funding be discontinued due to limited funding and size of requests but the chairs felt that the application for funds was still valuable
Carol suggested that they will probably have the same amount of money but try to cover one major project per year and then divvy up the remainder between other schools

Premier’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
Carol encouraged us to submit a nomination for this award
Members are to forward names to Mitch and Alan by Wednesday, February 17 so they can submit a nomination
School Improvement Plan Update & Overview – Alan Atkins

A committee of 9 school staff members was finalized February 15
Monday, March 8 will be the first meeting of the committee
PSSC & students will be invited in after this meeting
The final SIP will be no longer than 3 pages
Alan will review the current SIP to see if there are items to carry over to the new plan
Principal’s Report

Alan is requesting that the PSSC budget be used to cover the cost of synervoice
This is very valuable, especially in terms of calling home regarding attendance
The proposed school magnets are cost prohibitive
Mitch asked the group if we support synervoice – all present agreed
Miscellaneous Items
Hoping to replace the lights in the theater
The school raised $4500 for ‘Help for Haiti’
Discipline numbers are down significantly from this time last year. Alan feels this is directly related to positive things happening in the school
Position for Grade 6 Math teacher has been filled
Grade 7 classes going to the Legion
January 26/27 – teachers attended ‘Stepping Out’, language arts program aimed at integrating LA into all subject areas, training 1/3 of the staff each time
January 28 – school social, 150 in attendance
February 1 – meeting with the City Police to work on development of a ‘Policemen’s Challenge’, looking at doing this in May
Junior Achievement presentations
Geography challenge
Haiti talent show & other fundraisers
Interim Reports went home on Friday, February 12
Teacher’s Appreciation lunch last Friday put on by Friends of NMS
Students are participating in a UNB Wellness survey

Computers in the class
Alan expressed concern over the aging computers within the school
He is encouraged by positive talks about the 21st century learner
Anne expressed a desire to see a provincial-wide IT strategy
Action Item Follow-up

Action Item: Alan to arrange for communication home reminding folks about the designated sidewalk area.

Update: See side walk barriers discussion below.

Action Item: Mitch will contact the police to invite them to come to the next PSSC meeting to facilitate planning this event.

Update: Mitch indicated that Jan couldn’t make this meeting but hopes to make the meeting in March. Carry forward.

Action Item: Alan will speak to teachers regarding the proposal to share year plans with
parents and will bring back recommendations to the PSSC at the next meeting.

Update: Looking at rolling out the sharing of the year plans in September. Mitch also requested information on the sports schedule be sent home at the same time.

Action Item: Alan to post an invitation on the school website for parents to see their children’s assessment results.

Update: There is still an embargo on some of the results, so Alan can’t share these results at this point in time. Carry forward.

Side Walk Barriers

The district had extra money and agreed to purchase the requested side walk barriers to line the school driveway
35 new barriers are already there and we are expecting 50 extra in April to extend the barriers from the street to the school
Tracy Allen asked if we had ever heard anything back on our request to the city to investigate having a crossing guard at the bottom of the school driveway
There has been no word so Anne will follow-up on this request with the city

Policy 703 – Positive Learning & Working Environment

Available on the District website
The school is required to produce another report related to this policy
Anne expressed appreciation to Alan for attending a school basketball game
Anne also asked Alan to pass on praise for Alex Yaychuk in his role as athletic director
Mitch requested that Nasis implement Grade level teams instead of the mixed levels
Anne requested that Nasis find more opportunities for students to participates in athletics
Student Survey

Mitch would like us to implement a student survey to compliment our new SIP
Mitch & Alan are going to work on developing this
School Web Site

Nasis was granted DEC supplementary funding to redesign the school website
Mitch reported that the district is going to be providing support for school websites in the coming school year
All members present agreed that it doesn’t make sense for us to spend the time and money for the web design since we will be able to receive support from the district in the near future
Carol will look into whether the DEC supplementary funding can be repurposed
PSSC Chairs Meeting

21st century learning discussed, student voice considered as part of this
Recycling programs are inconsistent, some schools do, some schools don’t
STEM expo coming up in March, Alan will speak to Science teachers to see if there is interest
April 16/17 - Educating Today for Tomorrow
Agenda Building

Tracey Grattan requested that Alan report on the school budget at a future PSSC meeting
Next Meeting/Meeting Adjournment

Next Meeting: March 15 @ 7:00pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:25pm

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Minutes December 09

Nashwaaksis Middle School
PSSC Meeting Minutes

Pat Campbell
Alan Atkins
Tracy Allen
Carol Coleman (DEC)
Mitch Claybourn
Anne Small
Don Richardson
Tracey Grattan
Sherry Thomson
John MacKenzie
Mike O’Brien, City Councilor

Shauna Miller
Andrew Rowe

Heather Touchie-Blakely

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
Approval of Minutes

Motion to accept the minutes from November by Sherry, seconded by Anne.
Friends of NMS Update – Alan Atkins

Munchie Table – November 12/13
Firefighters Challenge – November 19
H1N1 Clinic – November 25
Healthy Eating initiative – Taco Soup
Upcoming: Christmas Dance – December 17th
Nominations for Friends of NMS: Dec 7-11; Elections: Jan 13
D.E.C Report – Carol Coleman, D.E.C. Rep

Traffic Issue

Carol raised our concern with the D.E.C., they are sympathetic to our cause.
PSSC Orientation

This was successful, areas of discussion included
Supplemental Funding

Our request for funding was approved but the notice has not been received by the school yet.
Action Item Follow-up

Action Item: Mitch will invite a representative from the police and the city councilor for the school zone to attend a PSSC meeting to discuss this concern about school traffic patterns.

Update: Mike attended the meeting and was presented with our concerns regarding the traffic load at the bottom of the school driveway in the mornings. Mitch provided statistics collected on November 6th. Mike committed to look into getting a crossing guard.

Alan reported that he and Gary have a line on some surplus jersey barriers from the Smart Center. Alan took the opportunity to request that Mike also influence these negotiations.

Action Item: Carol will bring the issue of safety of pedestrians along the driveway forward at the next D.E.C. meeting.

Update: Done

Action Item: Alan to arrange for communication home reminding folks about the designated sidewalk area.

Carry forward

Action Item: Alan will arrange for communication home regarding availability of milk.

Update: Done December 7

School Improvement Plan Update & Overview – Alan Atkins

The school is conducting annual Math testing and will start Language Arts testing as well.

In relation to the SIP goal of providing a Positive Learning Environment, Alan noted that there has recently been an increase in involvement of students and a decrease in misconducts.

Action Item: Alan to bring a sample of the misconducts.

Alan explained that his goal is to have the new SIP ready by March. Alan plans to invite parents from the PSSC and the school community to provide input.
The current SIP is status quo while we’re working on the new SIP.

Agenda Building: PSSC to provide input in the new SIP, related to student involvement
Principal’s Report

Take your child to work
Write Traits in service PD for Language Arts – November 4
Report Cards – November 9
Soccer Tournaments – October
Friends NMS AGM - November 4
Remembrance Day ceremonies – November 10
Friday Frenzy (celebration for top sellers in fund raiser) – November
Float in Santa Claus parade
Healthy Eating Day – November 26
Student & Teacher Perception surveys done, still getting parent surveys back
Christmas Concert – December 2
Leo Hayes Band – November 30
Junior Achievement Presentation to Grade 7

Anne requested an update on the handling of situations of abuse of cell phones:
School has not been confiscating phones but has relaxed the rules, allowing students to use them before and after school hours
Schools have been instructed not to look at any phones

Call for Agenda Items/Approval of Agenda

Additional Items (identified prior to the meeting):
· Proposal for education evening for parents, to speak about drugs, planning session for next meeting (Dec)
· Tell Them From Me: review last year’s data at next meeting (Dec)
· Snow Plows/Removal

Parent Education Evening – Drugs

All agreed that we should move forward with this issue. Mitch suggested that we contact the city police for input. It was suggested that we also invite parents of Grade 5 parents from the feeder schools for NMS.

Action Item: Mitch will contact the police to invite them to come to the next PSSC meeting to facilitate planning this event.

Alan would like to bring the city drug dog into the school to check lockers. Alan is proposing that the school do extensive communications leading up to this to ensure parents are well informed.
Tell Them From Me

Alan distributed a Tell Them From Me report from May 3, 2009.

Participation in Sport & Clubs both low, which is influencing the SIP goals
Snow Plows/Snow Removal

Mitch mentioned that last year the end of the driveway got very narrow. Mitch suggested that some form of indicator be placed so that the plows have a target for width.

Alan also mentioned that there are issues with students crossing the traffic circle twice. Alan mentioned that they would like to divert the walking traffic away from the traffic circle.

Agenda Building: Teacher communication home regarding curriculum and how parents can support the learning outcomes at home. [Sherry]
Next Meeting/Meeting Adjournment

Next Meeting: January 11 @ 7:00pm
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm